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40 Young European Architects with New Visions

09/12/2022, 17:00
09/12/2022, 21:00
European Centre/Contemporary Space Athens
'Εκθεση αρχιτεκτονικής

EUROPE 40UNDER40®AWARDS Αρχιτεκτονική έκθεση

“40 Young European Architects with New Visions”

Το European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, σε συνεργασία με το Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, θα παρουσιάσει τους νικητές του προγράμματος “Europe 40 Under 40®Awards” με μια αρχιτεκτονική έκθεση υψηλών προδιαγραφών, με τα ανερχόμενα ταλέντα της αρχιτεκτονικής και του βιομηχανικού σχεδιασμού της Ευρώπης για 2021 - 2022, με τίτλο “40 Young European Architects with New Visions”. Tα εγκαίνια της έκθεσης θα πραγματοποιηθούν την Παρασκευή 9 Δεκεμβρίου στο European Centre/Contemporary Space Athens, Μητροπόλεως 74, στην Πλάκα, με την παρουσία των βραβευμένων αρχιτεκτόνων και σχεδιαστών του προγράμματος και ελεύθερη είσοδο για το κοινό. Την ίδια μέρα θα πραγματοποιηθεί η Απονομή των Βραβείων Europe 40under40® Awards για 2021-2022.

Οι νικητές και τα βραβευμένα έργα τους περιλαμβάνονται στην έκδοση με τίτλο “New Talented Generation of European Architects and Designers 5”. Το βιβλίο διατίθεται διαδικτυακά στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του οργανισμού Next New Talented Generation of European Architects and Designers 5 (metropolitanartspress.com)

Πληροφορίες σχετικά με τους αρχιτέκτονες και σχεδιαστές μαζί με τα έργα τους μπορείτε να βρείτε στην ιστοσελίδα www.europeanarch.eu.

Για συμμετοχή στο πρόγραμμα Europe 40under40®awards για το 2023, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να επισκεφθούν τη σελίδα μας The European Centre | Europe 40 under 40 (europeanarch.eu) και να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή με τα έργα τους μέχρι και την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 2022.

Εγκαίνια Έκθεσης: Παρασκευή 9 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022 στις 17.00.

Απονομή Βραβείων: Παρασκευή 9 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022, Ώρα: 18.00. Διάρκεια: Από 9/12/2022 έως 15/1/2023. Ημέρες & ώρες: Τετάρτη – Κυριακή, 12.00-19.00.

2021-2022 “Europe 40under40® Awards” Winners:

Announcing the Best Emerging Young Architects & Designers in Europe

We are thrilled to unveil the winners of the “Europe 40 Under 40®Awards” program for 2021-2022, the world's most promising figures in the field of architecture and design and their stand-out and out-of-box projects. 

During these challenging times, it is crucial to keep insightful visions alive. Presenting Europe’s most hopeful personalities in the fields of architecture and design is what gives us hope for a better tomorrow.

Without further ado, The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design are pleased to announce the selection of the emerging architectural and design talents in Europe for 2021-2022.


Spread across Europe, the selected young recipients for the “Europe 40 Under 40®Awards” come from the following countries: Albania, Austria, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, providing an insight into the architectural scene in Europe. Listed in alphabetical order per country, they are:

Alda Çapi, AÇA — Albania Stephan Schwarz, ISSS research | architecture | urbanism - Austria

Oliver Steinbauer, STEINBAUER Architektur + design — Austria Llorenç Batlle, ABBA (Atelier Baste Batlle Architects), — France

Andrien Cosnefroy FAY ARCHITECTS — France

Emmanuelle Déchelette, Déchelette Architecture — France


Pierre-Arnaud Descôtes, Pierre-Arnaud Descôtes Architecte - France Frédéric Einaudi, ATELIER EGR - France

Maria Enescu, SCHÉMAA— France

Vincent Eschalier, Studiο Vincent Eschalier — France

Laure Gahéry, Office Zola architects — France

Adrian Garcin, TAUTEM Architecture — France

Christelle Gautreau, Bond Society — France

Édouard Guyard, Office Zola architects — France

Samson Lacoste, Atelier YokYok — France

Alexandre Lahyani, atelier LÂME Architecture - France

Pierre Le Quer, COMBAS Architectes — France

Luc Pinsard, Atelier YokYok - France

Margaux Puech-Pelipenko,L’atelier b2p architecture — France

Benjamin Rocchi, SAS d'architecture NARA - France

Benoit Rotteleu, Benoit Rotteleur Architecte — France

Dimitri Roussel, DREAM - France

Ingrid Sabatier, ISSS research | architecture | urbanism — France

Nicolas Sisto, Sisto Studios Architects — France

Jérôme Stablon, Bien Urbain - atelier d’architecture — France

Ermis Chalvatzis, Lianou Chalvatzis Architects (Lc Architects) — Greece

Darragh Breathnach, DUA — Ireland

Anna Merci, Anna Merci Architecture — Italy

Maciej Franta, Franta Group — Poland

Mickaël Martins Afonso, Martins Afonso Atelier de Design - Portugal

Rui Dinis, spaceworkers — Portugal

Alina Chereyskaya, SA lab — Russian Federation

María González Aranguren, Aranguren & Gallegos Architects — Spain

Fernando Mena, TOUSIDONIS ANISI — Spain

Konstantino Tousidonis, TOUSIDONIS ANISI — Spain

Michiel Van Driessche, Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners — The Netherlands

Lebriz ATAN KARAATLI, KAAT Architecture + Urban — Turkey

Cihan Sevindik, Nous Architecture — Turkey

Nesile Yalçın, Studio Monas — Turkey More information about projects of the winners here.


We are proud and honored to announce this year’s Europe 40 Under 40 Awards’ Jury and our collaboration —for yet another year— with Europe's leading architects, designers, and academics who have received numerous distinctions and awards for their work. Namely:

- Mino Caggiula, Architect, Founder at Mino Caggiula Architects SA. - Mert Eyiler, Architect, Founder + Director at MeMALoNDoN.

- Christoph Hesse, Architekt BDA, Dipl. Arch. ETH, Founder at    ChristophHesseArchitekten GmbH, Master of Architecture in Urban Design.

- Dirk U. Moench, Architect, Founder at INUCE.

- Constantinos Yanniotis, Head Architect at Yanniotis & Associates Architectural Bureau

For more information about the jury’s members click here.


The “EUROPE 40 UNDER 40®” is an annual awards program initiated by The European Centre to highlight and distinguish the next generation of architects and designers who will impact future living and working environments, cities, and rural areas. It is an annual celebration of innovation and creativity.

The program is open to all young architects, landscape architects, urban planners, and industrial designers currently under the age of 40, working independently, in a firm, or on a specific project as the lead designers.


All winning projects will be featured in the exhibition titled “40 Young European Architects with New Visions” that will take place on Friday December 9th, 2022.The same day will take place the Awards Ceremony at The European Centre/Contemporary Space Athens, 74 Mitropoleos Str., Athens, Greece.

A special edition based on the show will also be published by the Metropolitan Arts Press featuring the Next New Talented Generation of European Architects and Designers for 2021-2022 and will be available internationally to archi-lovers all around the world.

Note. We've already started accepting entries for next year's competition. Select and submit your finest work for “EUROPE 40 UNDER 40®” 2022-2023; showcase the projects that best reflect your impact in the fields of architecture, construction, and design. Online applications are available through The Chicago Athenaeum at https://www.chi-athenaeum.org/...

Please note that the deadline for submissions is December 1st, 2022.


For another year, that has been difficult on a global scale because of the COVID-19 pandemic, “Europe 40 Under 40 Awards” presenting Europe’s rising figures in the field of architecture and design is what gives us hope for a better tomorrow.

As an organization, we would like to wholeheartedly thank every entrant that submitted their project in this year's program, and the Jury members who devoted their time and energy to distinguish the industry's best-rising talents.


INFORMATION: Ms. Konstadina Geladaki

The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies

Tel: +30-210 3428511, Email: konstadina@europeanarch.eu


09/12/2022, 17:00
09/12/2022, 21:00
European Centre/Contemporary Space Athens


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