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MCMH-EU Neighbourhoods in GIS: Analysing and Exploring Housing Renewal Alternatives

28/09/2022, 09:30
30/09/2022, 20:00
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

CA18137: WG1 WORKSHOP MCMH & GIS | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) | 28, 29, 30 September 2022

WORKSHOP MCMH-EU & GIS (Geographical Referencing System) is part of the EU COST Action 18137: European Middle-Class Mass Housing. It aims for the WG1 members and all CA18137 members who have teamed up in selecting the case studies interested in developed MCMH’s analysis by the GIS tasks targeting to define new formats for “Documenting the MCMH”.

The three-day-long workshop will be based on lectures, practices dealing with the MCMS selected complexes, followed by round tables & discussions, and field trips to MCMH complexes with the Axios Housing Complex as a case study.

The workshop is hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and coordinated by Assist. Prof. Dr Athina Vitopoulou, PhD candidate Dimosthenis Sakkos, and Assist. Dr Prof. Kostas Tsiambaos under the scientific coordination of Dr Dalit Shach-Pinsly, Dr Idan Porat and Dr Inês Rodrigues.

In the workshop, MCMH-EU & GIS will participate over three days for up to 25 participants face-to-face: 15 international researchers will be assessed and selected by the scientific coordinators and approved by the Core-Group CA18137 and up to 10 local students selected by the local coordination team.

Registration is free. International participants will be reimbursed by COST rules (travel and accommodation). 

For more information about our Action, please follow the following link mcmh.eu

Main objective

The MCMH & GIS Workshop aims to develop critical analysis through GIS insertion of the MCMH complexes to critically analyse the mass housing-built environment and its surrounding, mass housing strategies, and urban interventions targeting the middle class.  The challenge of inserting MCMH complexes selected in GIS is to identify diverse parameters that could be useful for planning new renewal strategies for the MCMH complexes, crossing the different European partner countries.

Within the framework of Cost Action 18137, the workshop results are expected to provide analysis that will contribute to the digital platform MCMH Atlas, strengthening the awareness of the network of Cost Action researchers MCMH-EU.

Specific Objectives

• Creation of specific GIS based maps with the insertion of the mapped MCMH sets (Template #2);
• Development of critical analysis of the created contents;
• Advance structure models to support MCMH research;
• Identify what kind of development will provide the best comfort/quality for these neighbourhoods;
• Opportunities to improve MCMH areas;
• Strategies for renewal of the MCMH Complexes;
• Comparative Studies on neighbourhoods in Europe according to quality models based on issues
expressed in Template#2;
• Crossing goals to go forward to the digital MCMH Atlas;
• Generate academic networks at the European level.


The Workshop will bring together theoretical and historical sessions with expert speakers;
Expert guided tours and technical sheets of the selected case studies.
Workshop sessions aimed at achieving the general objectives indicated. We will work in smaller groups, applying a role-playing methodology based on the GIS. Each group will have a support expert.


The Workshop is planned for up to 25 participants face-to-face (15 researchers from CA18137; 10 local researchers/students), supported by 3-5 trainers from CA18137. The event (conferences and Workshop) will be broadcast online to increase the number of participants to 50.
Attendance at the Workshop is restricted to those enrolled, but the conferences are public.

Local Key Speakers

1. Athina Vitopoulou
2. Vassilios Colonas, professor

CA18137 Key Speakers

1. Dalit Shach-Pinsly, Idan Porat

Local Coordination:
Athina Vitopoulou, Dimosthenis Sakkos, Kostas Tsiambaos

Scientific Coordination
Dalit Shach-Pinsly, Idan Porat, Inês Rodrigues

Assistant volunteers
Ioannis Angelos Belis 

Grant Holder Manager
Carolina Camacho, Dinâmia’Cet, Iscte-IUL

Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Venue: Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
28, 29 September: Foyer
30 September: Auditorium 2

Wednesday, 28 September


9.30-10.00: Welcome (Thessaloniki University)
10.00-11.00: Open Keynote lecture by Athina Vitopoulou
11.00-11:15: Coffee break
11.15-13.30: Introduction to MCMH-EU / Workshop (Dalit, Idan, Inês)
Lunch 13.00-14.00
14.00-16.30: Workshop Session 1
16.30-16.45: Coffee break
16.45-18:00: Discussion
18.80-19.00: Guide tour to the Thessaloniki University

Thursday, 29 September


10.00-11.00: Lecture by Keynote 2
11.00-11:15: Coffee break
11.15-13.00: STSM Presentations
Lunch 13.00-14.00
14.00-16.30: Workshop Session 2
16.30-16.45: Coffee break
16.45-18:00: Discussion

Friday, 30 September

Auditorium 2

10.00-11.00: Lecture by Keynote 3
11.00-11:15: Coffee break
11.15-13.00: Workshop Final Session
Lunch 13.00-14.00
14:00-16.30: Round table & Final discussion
16:30-16.45: Coffee break
17.30-19.00: Guide tour to Axios Housing Complex by Dimosthenis Sakkos
20.00: Dinner*
* A form will be sent to you to find out if the group is interested in arranging a collective dinner.

Reading list:
Shach-Pinsly, D., Bindreiter, S., Porat, I., Forster, J., Rinnerthaler, M., (2021), Multi parametric scenario
analysis for urban renewal decision making processes, Urban Planning, 6(4), 172-
188. https://doi.org/10.17645/up.v6...
Shach-Pinsly, D., and Capeluto, I.G., (2020), From Form-Based to PerFormance Based
Codes, Sustainability, 12(14), 5657. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1214...
Shach-Pinsly, D., (2019) Measuring Security in the Built Environment: Evaluating Urban Vulnerability in a
Human-Scale Urban Form; in Special Issue “Measuring human-scale urban form and its
performance”, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.land...
Special Issue:
Shach-Pinsly, D., (Editor.), (2021). Special Issue titled: Towards digital urban regeneration: embedding
digital technologies into urban renewal processes and development, Urban Planning, 6(4), Cogitatio Press

28/09/2022, 09:30
30/09/2022, 20:00
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)


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